Arthritis Society Canada
Point Person
Trish Barbato, President and CEO
Arthritis is on the brink of massive breakthroughs, but it requires a movement to land on a cure and to galvanize a nationwide action plan.
Building a movement.
Where people got stuck
Organizing a 1 million-person co-creation effort.
Breakthrough moment
Tapped into diverse communities: research, medical, technology, community, family, and government.
Forged a core team with the leading nationwide representatives in business, healthcare, advocacy, Indigenous engagement, and education. Initiated a wide range of immersion experiences to define moonshots toward a cure.
"Andrea is world-class at forging a bold, 1 million person, nationwide movement. From Stuck to Scale is the best end-to-end framework for collective impact. Stakeholders engage and cocreate to change the game."
Trish Barbato
President and CEO
Arthritis Society Canada